We need your Help
Let us fulfill dreams by advancing education and healthcare in Tanzania!
Our current mission is to improve education in the Kagera region of Tanzania which is one of 30 administrative regions in Tanzania. We have started with focusing on Katare Secondary School in Katare village which is on the outskirts of the Kagera region’s capital city, Bukoba. Building a physics laboratory, implementing a centralized school library, and providing textbooks for every student are just a few of our recent undertakings with the school. Katare village is also home to Katare Health Clinic where we are making great headway by improving building infrastructure and supplying electricity. Please join us to continue our efforts with each of these endeavors and take things even further!
Sponsor Katare Secondary School
- -Provide internet connectivity and more computers to the newly built library
- -Provide formal basic computer training to Katale students in the new computer lab
Sponsor Katare Health Clinic
- -Build new health center complete with a surgical theatre, mortuary and staff housing
- -Offer a range of medical and dental services
- -Equip the clinic with inpatient and outpatient capabilities